Diabetes Norfolk’s charitable purposes are to support the care of patients with diabetes residing in the county of Norfolk.
There are now more than 50,000 people with Diabetes in Norfolk, of which just over 90% have Type2. (source: Norfolk and Waveney STP Diabetes Strategy 2018 – 2023).
We further our charitable purposes by financially supporting projects that improve the lives of people with diabetes in Norfolk.
Thanks to our fantastic supporters, we have been able to direct funds towards Norfolk based projects that have:
- Supported the physical and mental health of people with diabetes;
- Improved the management of diabetes and its associated complications – including foot problems and eye sight; and
- Educated the public on type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.
To date we have:
- Helped 1000’s of people living in the county;
- Raised in the region of £3 million in order to support people with diabetes in Norfolk; and
- Backed 100’s of projects.